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Cheers to Kidney Health: Does Alcohol Up Stone Risk?

Cheers to Kidney Health: Does Alcohol Up Stone Risk?

  • Alcohol consumption can indirectly contribute to kidney stone risk due to its diuretic effect, potentially leading to dehydration and mineral imbalance.
  • While alcohol itself doesn't directly cause kidney stones, excessive drinking can increase the risk by creating conditions favorable for stone formation.
  • Red wine, vodka, and whiskey, like other alcoholic beverages, have diuretic properties that can impact hydration levels and mineral balance in the body.
  • Maintaining moderation in alcohol consumption and staying adequately hydrated are key strategies to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.
  • A balanced lifestyle, including a nutrient-rich diet and regular physical activity, plays a crucial role in preventing kidney stones and supporting overall kidney health.

Many of us are becoming increasingly conscious of the choices we make, especially when it comes to what we eat and drink. Kidney health, often overlooked, is a crucial aspect of our well-being. Kidney stones, while small, can pack a painful punch.

If you're curious whether that glass of wine or cocktail might affect your kidney health, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore the intricate relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of kidney stones and provide you with insights to make informed choices for your kidney health.

Man with kidney pain.

Understanding Kidney Stones

Before delving into the impact of alcohol, it's paramount to grasp the fundamentals of kidney stones and their formation. Kidney stones, intricate formations arising from minerals and salts in urine, present a complex challenge to health. These hard deposits can manifest in varying sizes and induce intense pain as they maneuver through the urinary tract.

The process of their formation typically begins when certain minerals and salts in urine become concentrated, leading to the creation of crystals. Over time, these crystals can aggregate and clump together, forming kidney stones. The stones can remain within the kidneys or travel through the urinary tract, causing discomfort and pain.

Typical Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Recognizing the symptoms of kidney stones is crucial for early detection and management.1 While symptoms can vary from person to person, here are some typical signs to watch out for:

  • Sharp, Intense Pain: The most common symptom is sudden, severe pain that usually starts in the back or side and can radiate to the lower abdomen and groin. This pain, often referred to as renal colic, can come in waves and be accompanied by restlessness.
  • Discomfort During Urination: You might experience discomfort or a burning sensation while urinating. This can result from the stone's movement or irritation of the urinary tract.
  • Frequent Urination: Kidney stones can cause an increased frequency of urination, as the stone's presence can stimulate the bladder.
  • Hematuria (Blood in Urine): Blood in the urine, often visible as pink, red, or brown discoloration, can occur due to irritation or damage to the urinary tract lining.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Kidney stone pain can trigger nausea and vomiting, especially when the pain is intense.
  • Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine: In some cases, kidney stones might lead to changes in urine color, odor, or clarity.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, especially severe pain, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial.

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Kidneys?

Two people holding beer.

Alcohol, when consumed, has a notable impact on the kidneys. One of the critical factors to consider is dehydration.2 Alcohol is a diuretic, which encourages your body to expel more fluids than it takes in. This can lead to dehydration, which is a significant risk factor for kidney stone formation.

What Role Does Dehydration Play?

Dehydration, often underestimated, plays a significant role in kidney stone formation.3 Our kidneys filter waste products from our blood and produce urine. When we become dehydrated, the concentration of minerals and salts in our urine can increase, creating an environment conducive to forming kidney stones.

Can Drinking Cause Kidney Stones?

The relationship between alcohol consumption and kidney stones is complex.

When you consume alcohol, your body responds by producing more urine due to its diuretic effect. This can lead to increased fluid loss and, subsequently, dehydration.

Dehydrated urine tends to be more concentrated, meaning that the minerals and salts in the urine are less diluted. As a result, these substances are more likely to crystallize and form small particles that can eventually grow into kidney stones.

Alcohol's Direct and Indirect Contributions

The connection between alcohol consumption and kidney stones is a nuanced interplay of various factors, both direct and indirect. While alcohol doesn't directly form kidney stones, its effects on the body can contribute to the conditions that favor their development.

Diuretic Effect and Dehydration

Alcohol is known for its diuretic effect, which encourages increased urine production and subsequently leads to fluid loss.4 This can be especially pronounced after consuming larger amounts of alcohol or certain types of alcoholic beverages. As your body expels more fluids, it can quickly lead to dehydration.

Dehydration is a significant risk factor for kidney stone formation.3 When dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated due to the decreased fluid volume. This concentration increases the likelihood of minerals and salts in your urine crystallizing and forming the foundation of kidney stones. As the stones grow, they can cause pain and discomfort when moving through the urinary tract.

Disruption of Mineral Balance

Beyond dehydration, alcohol consumption can also disrupt the delicate balance of minerals in your body. One mineral of particular importance is calcium. While calcium is essential for strong bones and overall health, high calcium levels in the urine can contribute to certain kidney stones, such as calcium oxalate stones.5

Alcohol can influence the way your body handles calcium. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an increase in the excretion of calcium in the urine. This excess calcium can combine with other substances, such as oxalate, and form crystals that become the foundation of kidney stones.

Uric Acid and Purine Content

Certain types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, contain compounds called purines. Purines are substances that, when broken down, can form uric acid. High levels of uric acid in the urine can lead to the development of uric acid stones, a specific type of kidney stone.6

Beer, in particular, has been associated with an increased risk of uric acid stone formation due to its purine content. While moderate beer consumption may not pose a significant risk for most individuals, those with a history of kidney stones or certain medical conditions should be cautious.

Can alcohol cause kidney stones?

Can You Drink If You Already Have Kidney Stones?

If you've already experienced kidney stones, it's wise to be cautious about your alcohol consumption. Remember that moderation is key. Consult with your healthcare provider about how much, if any, alcohol is safe for you to consume based on your individual health situation.7

What Do Medical Studies Say?

Medical studies have explored the connection between alcohol consumption and kidney stones. While some research suggests a potential link, more studies are needed to establish a conclusive relationship. The impact of alcohol on kidney health is influenced by various factors, like the type of alcoholic beverage consumed, overall fluid intake, and individual health conditions.

Expert Insights: What Healthcare Professionals Say

When it comes to health matters, seeking guidance from professionals with expertise in the field is invaluable. Healthcare professionals offer valuable insights into the relationship between alcohol consumption and kidney stone risk.

The Kidney and Hypertension Center has noted that though there is no direct link to alcohol and kidney stones, it can contribute to its progression and development.7 It states that since alcohol is a diuretic, it can inhibit water absorption in the kidneys by increasing urine production. In addition, it adds that alcohol can damage the kidneys and lead to inflammation and scar tissue in the long run.

Another study, published by the Medical Science Monitor, explains that the relationship between alcohol and kidney damage remains complex.8 Acknowledging the potential benefits of light-to-moderate alcohol consumption, it underscores the importance for those with chronic kidney disease (CKD) to moderate alcohol intake, mitigating the potential adverse effects on kidney health.

These insights underscore the critical role of health professionals in guiding informed choices that safeguard our health and promote longevity.

Moderation and Prevention: Minimizing the Risk of Kidney Stones

Healthy Drinking Habits to Adopt

If you're mindful of your kidney health and enjoy consuming alcoholic beverages, moderation is the key. Understanding the potential risks associated with alcohol consumption can help you make informed decisions. Here are a few steps you can take:

  • Stay Hydrated: To counteract the dehydration effects of alcohol, drink water regularly, especially while consuming alcoholic beverages.9
  • Limit Intake: Follow recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption, which typically advise moderation (e.g., up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men).
  • Choose Wisely: If you're prone to kidney stones, consider choosing beverages with lower purine content, such as certain wines or spirits. Remember, though, that overall fluid intake matters more than the specific type of alcoholic beverage.

Alternative Beverages to Consider

Hydration is a cornerstone of kidney stone prevention. Opting for beverages that promote hydration while avoiding those that contribute to dehydration is essential.

  • Water: The ultimate hydrator, water should be your go-to beverage. It helps maintain healthy urine production and dilution.
  • Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas, like dandelion tea, can have diuretic properties without the dehydrating effects of alcohol.
Healthy diet for kidney health.

Lifestyle Choices to Prevent Kidney Stones

The path to kidney stone prevention extends beyond beverage choices. Adopting a holistic approach to your lifestyle can significantly impact your kidney health.

  • Diet: Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting high-oxalate foods (such as spinach, beets, and chocolate) that can contribute to stone formation.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can help maintain overall health and contribute to proper kidney function.
  • Supplements: Drinking certain supplements can help with kidney stone prevention. Chanca piedra may help inhibit specific stone types and Potassium citrate is prescribed to elevate urinary citrate levels, potentially impeding stone formation.10 11

When To Seek Medical Advice?

If you're concerned about your kidney health or have a history of kidney stones, health professionals can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history, lifestyle, and individual needs.


On our journey towards caring for our bodies, we must consider how our choices impact our kidney health. While alcohol itself might not directly cause kidney stones, its effects on dehydration and mineral balance can contribute to stone formation.

Adopting healthy drinking habits, staying hydrated, and making mindful lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your risk of kidney stones. Remember, it's all about moderation and maintaining a balanced approach to enjoy life while safeguarding your kidney health.

Drinking and Kidney Stones: FAQs

Does red wine cause kidney stones?

Red wine contains compounds that might contribute to stone formation, but the risk depends on factors like diet and hydration. Moderation with adequate hydration and a balanced diet is unlikely to cause kidney stones.

Does vodka cause kidney stones?

Vodka's diuretic properties can lead to dehydration, creating a risk for stone formation. While vodka itself doesn't cause kidney stones, excessive consumption without proper hydration can increase the risk.

Does whiskey cause kidney stones?

Whiskey's diuretic effect and potential mineral disruption can contribute to kidney stone risk. While moderate consumption isn't a direct cause, excess consumption without hydration can play a role in stone formation.

Can whiskey cause kidney stones?

Whiskey, as a diuretic, indirectly contributes to stone formation by affecting hydration and mineral balance. Moderate consumption isn't a sole cause, but those at risk should be cautious and consult professionals.

Can alcohol trigger kidney stones?

Alcohol's diuretic effect can indirectly trigger stone formation by dehydrating and concentrating minerals in urine. Moderation, hydration, and a healthy lifestyle help mitigate alcohol's potential to trigger kidney stones.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new dietary supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking other medications. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.


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  10. Pucci ND, Marchini GS, Mazzucchi E, Reis ST, Srougi M, Evazian D, Nahas WC. Effect of phyllanthus niruri on metabolic parameters of patients with kidney stone: a perspective for disease prevention. Int Braz J Urol. 2018 Jul-Aug;44(4):758-764. doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.0521. PMID: 29617079; PMCID: PMC6092661.
  11. Krieger NS, Asplin JR, Frick KK, Granja I, Culbertson CD, Ng A, Grynpas MD, Bushinsky DA. Effect of Potassium Citrate on Calcium Phosphate Stones in a Model of Hypercalciuria. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Dec;26(12):3001-8. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2014121223. Epub 2015 Apr 8. PMID: 25855777; PMCID: PMC4657843. patients%2C the addition of,to decrease recurrent stone formation.&text=In a randomized%2C double-blind,cit decreased recurrent stone formation.
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