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Your kidneys do more than just share a shape with a bean. They are essential organs, and if they aren’t working properly, it means you are in serious trouble. In this two-part article, we’ll look at the functions of the kidney as well as how they factor into your daily life.

The kidneys do a number of things in the body. They are a part of whole-body homeostasis, and they help to regulate the balance of acids and bases in the body, as well as your electrolytes. They can work independently, or they can work in conjunction with other organs in the body.

Some of the most important functions of the kidneys are filtration, re-absorption, and secretion. Filtration takes place in the renal corpuscle, and this is one of the main functions of the kidney, the one that most people know. It is the process that filters toxins from the blood to create an ultra-filtrate, and that will eventually become urine. They will reabsorb some of this back into the blood. Secretion transports molecules from the blood into the urine.

Let’s look a little deeper into the various things the kidneys can do for your body when they are working properly. 

During the process of excretion of those toxins, the body will then create urea. The kidneys will form the urine and send the waste to the bladder, which you will then expel when you go “number one”.

The kidneys will also play a large role when it comes to re-absorbing nutrients. This ensures the body is getting proper nutrients and not merely sending them, quite literally in this case, down the toilet.

Check out the next part to learn more about what the kidneys are doing for your body.


Our informational articles are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you.